DIRFloortime® is a Developmental, Individual-differences, and Relationship-based model of support. It provides a framework for understanding and promoting human development across the lifespan. DIRFloortime® builds the foundation for social, emotional and cognitive capacities rather than focusing exclusively on skills or isolated behaviors. The model harnesses the power of relationships and play to empower every individual to reach their fullest potential.
DIRFloortime® promotes healthy development in all children, but it is especially powerful for children on the autism spectrum or with other developmental or emotional vulnerabilities. DIRFloortime® seeks to understand, accept and appreciate each person for who they are in their own unique way of being.
are catalysts for growth
Using DIRFloortime® Play Potential promotes a child's sense of self and agency by facilitating attuned relationships between the child and their caregiver. This creates a deep sense of security for a child. In safe, nurturing relationships the child feels validated, understood and connected. When a child feels this they can flourish and thrive.
Play Potential specializes in empowering children
within the context of their family.
Play Potential is a DIR® accredited organization through International Council on Development and Learning (ICDL). The accreditation endorses that Play Potential delivers high quality DIRFloortime® services. The accreditation also recognizes that Play Potential is a leader in the DIR® community, helping to advance and increase awareness of developmental, relationship-based models of support.
Play Potential is proud to be the only organization in Wisconsin accredited by ICDL as providing DIR® services with high fidelity to the DIRFloortime® model.